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'Discover What Matters' — 9.26.08
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'Discover What Matters' at UC DavisCheck out a new Web site showing how the people of UC Davis are doing things that matter to us as Aggies, as Californians, as citizens of the world. Read about convocation speaker Dr. Condessa Curley's humanitarian work and other inspiring stories. [ More… ] |
Finally! UC has a budget
The state finally has a budget, one that brings UC about the same amount of money as last year, including nearly $100 million that Gov. Schwarzenegger at first proposed to take away and then put back. UC President Mark G. Yudof said: "The final budget for UC is probably the best we could have achieved in a difficult fiscal environment, but it falls far short in terms of maintaining and enhancing our competitiveness in educational and research programs. We will need to do more with less." [ More… ]
Book project: Physician's tale is inspirational, transformative
"That book changed my life," recent graduate Rebecca Pfeiffer-Rosenblum says of Mountains Beyond Mountains, this year's Campus Community Book Project. The book tells the inspiring story of Paul Farmer, whose efforts to fight AIDS and TB in Haiti revolutionized international health care. Read Pfeiffer-Rosenblum's account of how the book "brought me hope that I, too, could make a difference," and learn about the dozens of lectures, book discussions, films and exhibitions scheduled through early December. [ More… ]
Writing program lecturer honored
During his 24 years on the UC Davis faculty, Eric Schroeder has been providing his students some of the extras to ensure they receive an education that is a cut above the rest. Now, he's getting something extra in return: the James H. Meyer Distinguished Achievement Award, the Academic Federation's highest honor. [ More… ]
Employees to help fund UC retirement plan
The UC Board of Regents last week authorized renewed employer and employee contributions to the UC Retirement Plan starting July 1, 2009. While actual contribution levels have yet to be determined, the contributions would be the first in 18 years, closing out a "holiday" during which investment returns have been the plan's only source of new money. [ More… ]
Nursing leaders gather in Sacramento to prepare for 21st century
More than a dozen nursing leaders from across the nation met in Sacramento this week to participate in an inaugural strategic design summit for the future of nursing and to help create the new school of nursing at the UC Davis Health System. The summit team's goal was to articulate curriculum and research priorities to prepare 21st-century nurses. [ More… ]
The Annual 'Smiley Report': Wine industry truly intent on going green
UC Davis Professor Robert Smiley's latest survey of wine industry pros and executives indicates that the industry is making a concerted effort to adopt environmentally responsible practices, but that it sees a need for better education among both consumers and professionals on many "green" issues. The survey also predicts major changes in wine packaging, including more screw-top caps and soft-sided containers. [ More… ]
Stebbins Cold Canyon: Fall and winter guided hikes and adventures
The stewards of Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve are inviting people to experience the canyon in the morning, at dusk and in the dark of night, during winter solstice — the shortest day of the year — and even in the rain. The outings run from Oct. 11 through Dec. 21, but they fill up fast, so be sure to sign up quickly. [ More… ]
Getting into shape? Campus programs are here to help
Aggies on the Move is back for the fall quarter, offering walking groups, pedometers and incentives for racking up steps. And the Activities and Recreation Center is once again running its Try Before You Buy event through Friday, Oct. 3, with free trial memberships available to all faculty, staff, alumni and retirees. The ARC is also hosting a free "sampler" class of its group exercise options and a Nordic walking information session. [ More… ]
In research: Galaxy clusters have a mysterious motion
The stars are in motion, and on a much larger scale than can be explained with current theories, according to astronomers at NASA, the University of Hawaii and UC Davis. The finding could improve our understanding of events in the first moments after the birth of the universe. The researchers found an unexpected motion, or "flow," of galaxy clusters across a wide patch of the sky up to at least a billion light years away. [ More… ]
No new directives were issued this week.
Run, jog and walk for good causes
Sunday, Sept. 28, Gladys Valley Hall on the Davis campus and the MIND Institute in Sacramento
Students in the School of Veterinary Medicine are hosting a Dog 'n' Jog and Run for Rabies — with 1.5-mile, 5K and 10K options — plus Puppy Palooza: Animal Health and Craft Fair. Across the causeway, the MIND Institute is offering Walk Now for Autism, a two- to three-mile walk, plus a community resource fair. [ More… ]
More fall exhibitions open next week: Two photo shows, plus Crafts From the Farm
The C.N. Gorman Museum opens Thursday, Oct. 2, with a show by Native American photographer Lee Marmon, and the Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center opens the same day with photos by Allen Lowry, senior project manager for Architects and Engineers on campus. In conjunction with the UC Davis Centennial, the Craft Center Gallery will showcase Crafts From the Farm starting Monday, Sept. 29. [ More… ]
Mondavi season opens with baritone, birthday
Saturday, Oct. 4, 8 p.m., Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center
The Mondavi Center's seventh season is just a week away, and officials want to remind faculty and staff that they get a discount of at least 10 percent on all tickets. The first opportunity to use the discount comes when the new season begins with a concert by U.S. tenor Thomas Hampson. The gala season opener is also a birthday celebration for UC Davis supporter Barbara K. Jackson. [ More… ]