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Campus rebels, consolidation, great outdoors — 7.2.10
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Rebels with a cause A new generation of student activists takes to the streets — using old organizing strategies and new ones — to protest the rising cost of education. Read more in the latest issue of UC Davis Magazine. [ More… ] |
Shared service centers: Forum provides update on the planning process
Hundreds of staff members heard an update this week on organizational changes intended to bring about economies of scale, greater efficiency — and address the problem of employees being asked to do more with less staff. A webcast recording of the forum is available for on-demand viewing. [ More… ]
America's Great Outdoors: Rep. Thompson to join federal officials for a 'listening session' at UC Davis
Rep. Mike Thompson has arranged a UC Davis venue for a July 7 "listening session" during which he and other federal officials plan to gather input for an initiative that President Obama calls America's Great Outdoors. [ More… ]
Commission endorses financial, enrollment recommendations
The UC Commission on the Future moved forward June 14 with selected recommendations from its working groups, including a pilot study of online course expansion and improvements to the transfer process for community college students. The commission also heard recommendations from the UC Academic Council, which said that maintaining the quality of the university's research and faculty should be a guiding priority, even if UC has to downsize to preserve that excellence. [ More… ]
In brief: Military pay, Gunrock Pub, Sympa lists, MU Bookstore
UC extends policy on supplemental pay for employees who fight in the war on terror ... The Gunrock Pub is closed for a drain renovation project expected to last at least six weeks, and this means there will be no Wednesday Night Wine Flights this summer ... The campus's transition from Listproc to Sympa software, for e-mail list management, is under way ... Summer hours are in effect at the MU bookstore. [ More… ]
Cost of campus e-mail and calendar service drops sharply
Rates are going down substantially for Xeda, a centrally provided campus integrated e-mail and calendaring service that offers subscribers a wide range of collaboration tools. About 3,000 employees are using Xeda now, in Information and Educational Technology, Administrative and Resource Management, the Graduate School of Management, Student Affairs, and the Office of Research, among other units. [ More… ]
UC Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion named
UC President Mark G. Yudof named 17 members to his Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion, which will work closely with a Board of Regents committee to address challenges in enhancing and sustaining a tolerant, inclusive environment on each of the university's 10 campuses. The council includes one UC Davis rep: Cheyenne Currall, principal officer, International Business Development, UC Davis Health System. [ More… ]
'Team science': Lung-disease researchers look forward to common workplace
Environmental review is under way for a building project: the Respiratory Diseases Center, recipient of a $14.2 million economic stimulus grant from the federal government. The new center will provide a common workplace for researchers with a shared focus. [ More… ]
UC Davis physician calls for stronger screening, record-keeping on gun sales
In a perspective published online June 30 in The New England Journal of Medicine, Garen Wintemute, UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program director, urges Congress to subject all private-party gun sales to the same screening and record-keeping requirements that apply to sales by licensed gun retailers. [ More… ]
Stem cells from fat may help heal bone
Wounded soldiers may one day be treated with stem cells from their own fat using a method under development at UC Davis. Kent Leach, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, has already used the treatment in three racehorses. Now, with a $100,000 grant from the Army, he will begin testing it in rats. The method employs a gel-like material to encourage stem cells from fat to regenerate damaged bone. [ More… ]
No directives were issued this week.
On exhibit: In the Wild
Through Aug. 31, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center
Photojournalist Clyde L. Elmore, a retired UC Davis scientist, presents a diverse collection of landscape and wildlife images from North America. Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. [ More… ]
Barbecuing this weekend? Buy your meat on campus
Every Thursday and Friday, 1-5:30 p.m., Cole C Facility
The UC Davis Meat Lab offers sales that are open to the public every Thursday and Friday afternoon. The price list is available online. Cash and check only. [ More… ]
SummerMusic: Bluegrass on the Quad
Saturday, July 10, 7:30 p.m., the Quad
The Mondavi Center's free summer concerts are back, starting with a bluegrass performance by the Infamous Stringdusters. The Quad opens for picnics at 6:30 p.m. [ More… ]