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Intolerance, Reynoso delay, Sloan fellowships — 3.9.12
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Yudof responds to heckling, other acts of intolerance around the system
UC President Mark G. Yudof responds to a heckling incident at UC Davis and other recent acts of intolerance around the UC system. Also this week, UC Davis administrators issued a letter in which they called the heckling incident "deeply disturbing." [ More… ]
Temporary restraining order bars release of Reynoso report
An Alameda County Superior Court judge this week granted a temporary restraining order that bars the public release of the Reynoso task force report, pending a further hearing next Friday, March 16. Read the UC general counsel's response and Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi's message to the campus after learning that the report's release had been postponed. [ More … ]
Task force issues report on self-supporting degree programs, seeks comments
A joint administration/Academic Senate task force has completed its report on self-supporting degree programs. Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter has posted the report on his website and set up an e-mail address for feedback. The 11-member task force, established in May 2011 and chaired by School of Education Dean Harold Levine, brought together a cross-section of faculty and campus leaders to conduct reviews, make assessments and present recommendations. [ More… ]
President Yudof's Web chat: 10 questions and answers
The Office of the President has transcribed 10 questions and answers from President Mark G. Yudof's March 2 Web chat with staff and faculty. Topics include an alternate tuition model, health insurance costs, retirement plan contributions and his hopes for the Reynoso task force report. [ More… ]
Alex McCalla receives Distinguished Emeritus/a Award
The Emeriti Association has presented its 2011-12 Distinguished Emeritus/a Award to Alex F. McCalla, whom you would never know took emeritus status in 1994. Since then, he has continued as a teacher, mentor and organizer in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and worked as an administrator at the World Bank, where he led extensive efforts to enhance agriculture in the developing world and was largely responsible for revitalizing the bank's loan portfolio. [ More… ]
Laurels: Chemist, mathematician receive Sloan fellowships
Chemist Louise Berben and mathematician James Bremer each receive Sloan research fellowships worth $50,000 over two years. … More Laurels, including the election of three UC Davis scientists as fellows of the American Academy of Microbiology. [ More… ]
Watch for family member eligibility verification mailing in mid-March
Attention all faculty, staff and retirees who have family members enrolled in UC-sponsored medical, dental and/or vision plans: Beginning the week of March 19, you will be receiving materials asking you to verify your family members' eligibility for UC insurance. You will have until May 17 to submit the required documents, otherwise you will be de-enrolled from UC-sponsored insurance. Family members found to be ineligible for insurance through the verification process will also be de-enrolled. [ More… ]
News briefs: Soaring to New Heights ticket sales begin March 12
Ticket sales begin Monday (March 12) for Soaring to New Heights. … The Office of Research presents Partners for Research, showcasing how the office is "transforming the way we serve you." … The campus's proposed $10 room reservation fee has been suspended. … A College of Letters and Science commemorative medal goes floating in space. … The Sacramento Regional FIRST Robotics competition returns to UC Davis next week. … Registration continues for the March 22 staff town hall with the chancellor and provost. … The Olive Center's 2012 olive oils are here! … The ARC Business Center celebrates Passport Day in the U.S.A. … The UC Davis Health System is taking sign-ups for its Spanish Mini-Medical School. [ More… ]
Directive: Voyager Fleet Card expiration notice and renewal procedure
State of California Voyager Fleet Cards, which are included in the key pouch of all university vehicles, will expire on April 30. Departments that lease university vehicles are required to replace their Voyager Fleet Cards before that date. [ More… ]
Announcements: Public forums with ATS director candidates
Public forums will be held March 12, 13 and 15 for the three semifinalists for the position of director of Academic Technology Services. Each forum will include a brief talk by the candidate and a discussion with the audience. … Individual students, student groups and organizations, and staff and faculty members are eligible for Community Service Awards, with nominations due by midnight Sunday (March 11). [ More… ]
Lecture and concert by Sikkil Gurucharan
Today, March 9, 6 p.m., Technocultural Studies Building
The singer, a pre-eminent voice in South Indian classical music, is UC Davis' guest in the India Studies Lecture Series, presented by the Religious Studies Program. [ More… ]
U.S. premiere: Ballet Preljocaj's Blanche Neige (Snow White)
Saturday-Sunday, March 17-18, Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts
French choreographer Angelin Preljocaj's contemporary ballet, a grown-up retelling of the Grimm fairy tale, set to music by Gustav Mahler. [ More… ]