Dateline archive:

Staff town hall, food safety video, innovation — 3.23.12



News and information for faculty and staff

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Making sense of innovationPhoto: UC Davis Magazine Cover with Andrew Hargadon

The spring issue of UC Davis Magazine is in the mail — and our first-ever paperless "Zmag" version can be viewed online in a format that preserves the glossy print reading experience while saving trees. The cover story highlights people and programs working to move research breakthroughs from the lab to the marketplace for the public good. [ More… ]


More stories at Dateline UC Davis and UC Davis News and Information

Chancellor addresses staff town hall

Budget cuts, retirement, transitioning to the Shared Services Center, Occupy protests — this is what's been on the mind of staff members and, likely, why many of them participated in the March 22 town hall with Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi and other campus officials. [ More, with video… ]

UC Davis food science documentary on KVIE: 'Better Safe Than Sorry'

A UC Davis-produced documentary, debuting next week on KVIE Channel 6, showcases the university's role in making food safer and healthier. … UCTV Prime presents "Vote," featuring UC Davis economist Giovanni Peri and other UC faculty, offering commentary on national issues. Peri's topic: "The Case for Immigration." [ More … ]

Research identifies the beginnings of COPD

The third most deadly disease in the U.S., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, appears to be partly driven by the action of immune cells circulating in the blood entering into the tissues of the lungs. UC Davis scientists have discovered that this key process begins in the blood vessels around the large airways in the center of the lung — a finding that helps clarify how smoking can bring about this severe respiratory condition. [ More… ]

UC Health's community benefit tops $3 billion

For the first time, University of California Health has measured the collective impact it has in caring for uninsured patients, educating tomorrow's health leaders and advancing science to tackle medicine's toughest challenges. The estimated community benefit of UC Health's five medical centers totaled $3.3 billion last year. [ More… ]

Joe Kiskis wins Charles Nash Prize for faculty leadership

He studied under him as an undergraduate and he sat with him on the board of the Davis Faculty Association, and now Professor Joe Kiskis is receiving the award named after him: the Charles P. Nash Prize, recognizing achievement in promoting shared governance and advocating for faculty interests and welfare. A dinner in Kiskis' honor is set for April 17. [ More… ]

Laurels: Bio Sci Dean Hildreth elected to Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars

Dean James Hildreth of the College of Biological Sciences, who earned his medical degree at Johns Hopkins and later joined the faculty of Johns Hopkins and started his HIV research there, has been elected to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. … Plus other honors for faculty and staff. … Also, communications teams in three of UC Davis' professional schools win gold, silver and bronze awards for two magazines and a website. [ More… ]

Student team hones engineering, business skills with hybrid race car project

The Sacramento Bee highlights the UC Davis Formula Hybrid Team, which is building a decidedly "green" racing machine, with an emphasis on efficiency over unbridled speed. [ More… ]

Spring visuals: At the Nelson, C.N. Gorman and Design museums

The Nelson Gallery this spring asks: In the digital age, can we still trust photography to tell the truth? The C.N. Gorman Museum presents an exhibition by Sonya Kelliher-Combs, whose work in mixed media painting and sculpture is rooted in the cultures of her native Alaska. The Design Museum presents student work, first in Design by Design, the annual juried competition, and then in the annual Design MFA Graduation Exhibition. The Nelson hosts other visual artists for their MFA exhibition. [ More, with slide show… ]

News briefs: Shared services update to focus on IT component

A brown bag on Monday (March 26) will focus on the IT component of the Shared Services Center. … All Windows computer users in the campus community are urged to apply the Microsoft MS12-020 security patch. … Cruz Reynoso is eying the release of the pepper-spraying task force report the first week of April. … University Communications is taking orders for two new publications: an economic impact brochure and the 2011-12 progress report. … The Student Disability Center will be closed next week, to allow for the center's move to the Cowell Building. … UC Davis Extension announced an international exchange program of sorts for ages 12 to 17 this summer. … Staff Development and Professional Services is running an online survey. … Only 500 tickets are available for Soaring to New Heights, and those tickets are on sale now. [ More… ]


No directives or announcements were issued this week.


At the Mondavi: Circus Oz

Saturday and Sunday, March 24-25, Jackson Hall, Mondavi Center

Stupendous agility, death-defying stunts, awe-inspiring acrobatics, irreverent comedy and a spectacular live band make this Australian show a rock 'n' roll (and animal-free) thrill for audiences of all ages. [ More… ]

Free e-waste drop-off

Tuesday, March 27, noon-4 p.m., Hopkins Services Complex (615 Hopkins Road)

The Bargain Barn will be accepting nonfunctioning university-owned desktop electronics, such as computers, monitors, projectors and more. [ More… ]

Book project author comes to campus

Wednesday, April 11, Mondavi Center

You still have time to read the community book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, and immerse yourself in related topics before the author, Sherman Alexie, visits the campus for a panel discussion, lecture and book signing. [ More… ]

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