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Animal medicine marvel
UC Davis biomedical engineers and veterinary surgeons are working to improve the lives of animals through the collaborative marvels of engineering and medicine. One lucky dog is Whiskey, a Munsterlander from San Francisco, who now has a healthy new jawbone. [ More, with video… ] |
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Male snails babysit for other dads
Pity the male of the marine whelk, Solenosteira macrospira. He does all the work of raising the young, from egg laying to hatching — even though few of the baby snails are his own. This surprising new finding from the lab of Rick Grosberg, professor of evolution and ecology, puts the animal in a small club of reproductive outliers characterized by male-only child care. [ More, with video… ]
Climate models may overstate black carbon's influence
Global climate models may be overstating the warming properties of black carbon particles, according to new research led by civil and environmental engineering professor Christopher Cappa. "Our results don't change the fact that things are going to warm — just to what degree, literally," he said. [ More… ]
Professor finds biomathematics work 'ridiculously satisfying'
The Sacramento Bee profiles biomathematician Michael Turelli, who is working to reduce the transmission of the devastating, mosquito-borne disease dengue fever. Turelli, who received the Distinguished Faculty Lecture Award last spring, credits brilliant students, insightful collaborators and luck as factors in his successful career. [ More, with slide show… ]
Faculty member's film makes a Strong! showing on PBS
Associate Professor Julie Wyman's film about an Olympic weightlifter and her body image won over the Independent Lens audience on PBS. The audience award for Strong! goes along with critical praise for the film as an intimate and compelling portrait of Cheryl Haworth as she vies to be the strongest woman in the world. [ More, with slide show… ]
Historian featured on NPR's This American Life
Ira Glass opens a show dedicated to Loopholes by talking with Kathy Stuart, associate professor of history, about a macabre trend in 17th- and 18th-century Europe — committing murder in order to avoid eternal damnation for suicide. [ More… ]
Provost's statement on the leadership transition in CAES
Ralph J. Hexter says Dean Michael Lairmore of the School of Veterinary Medicine will chair the recruitment advisory committee to identify a permanent replacement to build on the strong foundation established by Dean Neal Van Alfen and his students, faculty and staff. Hexter said an interim dean will be named as quickly as possible. Van Alfen and Executive Associate Dean James MacDonald tendered their resignations earlier this week; Van Alfen is expected to remain as a faculty member, and MacDonald is retiring. [ More… ]
Diagnosis often missed for Hispanic children with developmental delay, autism
Hispanic children often have undiagnosed developmental delays, and large numbers of both Hispanic and non-Hispanic children who first were thought to have developmental delay actually had autism, researchers affiliated with the MIND Institute have found. "Our study raises concerns about access to accurate, culturally relevant information regarding developmental milestones and the importance of early detection and treatment," said lead author Virginia Chaidez. [ More… ]
NEWS BRIEFS: State pension reform does not affect UCRP
UC's top human resources official comments on the state pension reform proposal: "It does not affect UC's retirement benefits." … Blood donors this week collectively gave the equivalent of a pint a day for a whole year: 365 pints. … The 2012-13 campus poster calendars arrived this week at all UC Davis Stores. … The Retiree Center switched buildings this week at the campus's south entry, moving from the Conference Center to the Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center. [ More… ]
Purchase of equipment under contracts and grants
Purchase requisitions for equipment to be acquired with extramural funds must be submitted to Purchasing/Materiel Management at least 60 days prior to the end of the project period of the contract or grant to be charged. [ More… ]
EXHIBITIONS: 2nd Saturday professor and 2nd Friday scientist
Saturday, Sept. 8, 6-9 p.m.; and Friday, Sept. 14, 6-10 p.m.
Professor Emeritus Gyöngy Laky presents Marks of Narration during the Second Saturday Art Walk in Sacramento, and bioinformatics specialist Alexander Kozik shows his watercolors during the 2nd Friday ArtAbout in Davis. [ More… ]
FOOTBALL: Tailgating at San Jose State
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
This Aggie event will feature a barbecue and the Band-uh! You'll need your own ticket to the game: Call the UC Davis Ticket Office (530) 752-AGS1 (2471). Or, you may want to consider a complete package: transportation, tailgating and game ticket. [ More… ]
AT THE ARBORETUM: Music, gardening program and plant sales, too!
The next Folk Music Jam Session is today (Aug. 31), during the noon hour on the Wyatt Deck, and a program on gardening with native plants is set for Saturday, Sept. 15. Then, get ready for plant sale season, starting with a preview Sept. 22 and the first sale a week later, Sept. 29. [ More… ]