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Shields Oak Grove turns 50
Acorns from around the world have grown into a magnificent scientific collection and a monumental sight: the Peter J. Shields Oak Grove, dedicated 50 years ago this month in the UC Davis Arboretum. A celebration took place under 90-foot-tall Persian oaks — among the hundreds of oaks that have had a long-lasting impact on generations. [ More, with slide show… ] |
More stories at Dateline UC Davis and UC Davis News and Information
Letter from the chancellor: 'We are moving swiftly'
In her second letter in response to the Reynoso task force report, Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi says "we are moving swiftly" to address the need for major reform of campus police operations, and better coordination, collaboration and communication within the UC Davis administration, and with the broader UC Davis community. She also outlines the steps that the campus had already taken before the report came out. [ More… ]
Reynoso report: New website welcomes feedback, provides other information
The Reynoso task force report came out Wednesday, and your comments are welcome, online, or via e-mail or Facebook. The Reynoso section of our new Demonstration Reviews website includes the report, an archived video of Wednesday afternoon's forum, and the announcement of two more open forums next week, plus a link to Dateline UC Davis coverage of the report and the Wednesday forum. [ More… ]
Provost outlines budget process, planning framework
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter this week sent his 2012-13 budget call letter to the deans and vice chancellors. "The overall budget context continues to be challenging, but the multiyear budget plan we put in place this year provides a stable framework that we can build upon for 2012-13," he said. "As such, we do not anticipate the need to assign new base (permanent) reductions beyond the multiyear elements of the 2011-12 budget." [ More… ]
Leadership for BGI@UCDavis appointed
Bart Weimer, a professor in the Department of Population Health and Reproduction in the School of Veterinary Medicine, and Hao Zhang, chief operating officer of BGI Americas, have been appointed co-directors of BGI@UCDavis, a partnership between UC Davis and BGI, the world's largest genome sequencing organization. [ More… ]
Maternal obesity, diabetes associated with autism, other developmental disorders
A major study conducted by researchers affiliated with the UC Davis MIND Institute has found strong links between maternal diabetes and obesity and the likelihood of having a child with autism spectrum disorder or another developmental disorder. [ More… ]
Stardom: Environmentalist, physicist to give lectures
An environmental superstar and a physicist who reaches for the stars are scheduled to make presentations here next week. First up is Bill McKibben, author of more than a dozen books, including The End of Nature and Eaarth. Then comes Harvard's Lisa Randall, giving a talk based on her new book Knocking on Heaven's Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World. Both programs are free and open to the public. [ More… ]
USDA recognition affirms UC Davis' leading role in agricultural biotechnology
UC Davis' global stewardship of agricultural biotechnology research and development gained even more stature recently with official recognition by the USDA's Biotechnology Quality Management System. The recognition went to the Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture, or PIPRA, established by UC Davis in 2004 and hosted on the Davis campus. [ More… ]
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day: Sign-ups begin soon
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day turns 20 this year, which has the UC Davis organizers thinking about the boys and girls who participated in the first TODS in 1993 and perhaps "are among the people who work at UC Davis today, inspired by what they saw at TODS." This year's event is scheduled for Thursday, April 26; sign-ups begin next week. [ More… ]
News briefs: Chancellor, athletics on senate agenda
The agenda for next week's Academic Senate meeting includes the state of the campus address by Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi, and a report from the senate's Special Committee on Athletics. … Tonight, the chancellor takes part in a conversation about higher education, on KVIE public television. … Student athletes and campus firefighters recently targeted piggy banks and hair for charity. … A faculty funding workshop is scheduled next week on the topic of Fulbright opportunities for U.S. citizens. … I-House still has 101 flags in need of people to carry them in the Picnic Day Parade. … Blood donors take note: The next draw is April 17-18 on The Pavilion's upper level. [ More… ]
No directives or announcements were issued this week.
A festival with an edge
April 13-15 and 19-22, various times and locations
The Edge Performance Festival features graduate students and undergraduates — and a movie: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. [ More… ]
Music: Percussion, Empyrean and Arab Music Ensemble
Saturday, April 14; Thursday-Friday, April 19-20; and Sunday, April 22
Percussion Group Davis and the Empyrean Ensemble, both part of the Department of Music, are presenting free concerts April 14 and 19, respectively. Also, the Cal Poly Arab Music Ensemble presents a free concert on April 20. The Empyrean Ensemble's free Noon Concert is a preview of the ensemble's April 22 concert, a ticketed event at the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. [ More… ]
ASUCD Blood and Marrow Drive
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17-18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., ARC Pavilion
The campus blood drive switched to a new location in January — The Pavilion's upper level — and returns there next week. Participants will receive free T-shirts and discount coupons (25 percent off) for the GAP store in Davis. Remember to eat and drink before donating, and bring photo identification. [ More… ]
Picnic Day 2012: Then. Now. Always.
Saturday, April 21 (opening ceremonies and parade begin at 9:30 a.m.)
From the parade to the Doxy Derby to the Battle of the Bands, don't miss our 98th annual open house. [ More… ]