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Aggie diplomacy
Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef describes his second visit to Iran in five years. The trip was part of a mission to bridge the divide between the U.S. and the Middle East through academic dialogue and exchange. [ More… ] |
Campus parking lots, Unitrans shuttle buses await Amgen throng
As faculty and staff, you may not be coming to the Davis campus on Feb. 15, in the middle of a three-day weekend, but many of you and thousands of others are expected for the Amgen Tour of California. And if you come to watch the bike race, you can purchase a cowbell to cheer the riders on and support the California Bike Museum, sponsored in part by UC Davis. [ More… ]
Three new cell sites improve cell phone reception on campus
One cell tower on campus not good enough for you? Now you have three more, with another two in the works. While cell phone users are happier with their reception, the university is happy with the revenue from the cell site license agreements: about $1.15 million over 10 years, from the first four sites alone. [ More… ]
Regents vote on admissions, financial aid, retirement plan
The UC Board of Regents this week approved new eligibility requirements for UC admission, giving more students an opportunity to present their qualifications; and a new financial aid plan intended to support college access for students from lower-income families. The regents also, as expected, approved the restart of retirement plan contributions from employers and employees. [ More… ]
Broken system? Experts analyze state budget process
How do we fix California's dysfunctional government? The Legislature is not able to pass a budget on time and, despite high tax rates, California's schools are starving for funding, roads and highways are decaying, the water system is antiquated, and state prisons are overcrowded. UC Davis experts say the ultimate power to change the political system is with the people of California. [ More… ]
Wanted: biz whizzes
Underscoring the importance of leadership in business education at UC Davis' Graduate School of Management, Stephen G. Newberry and his wife, Shelley, have pledged $1 million to endow a faculty chair in leadership, as well as $500,000 to create a fellowship that will support MBA students who have great potential as business leaders. [ More… ]
UC Davis study finds vitamin use is highest in kids who don't need them
A study by UC Davis Children's Hospital researchers published in the February 2009 issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine has found that most of the healthy children and teenagers in the United States who are taking daily vitamin and mineral supplements probably don't need them. The study also found that the children who most need to take vitamins aren't getting them. [ More… ]
Picnic Day applications due Feb. 25
Picnic Day applications — for the parade, exhibits, alumni events, entertainment and more — are being accepted through Feb. 25. The various forms and further information are available online. Picnic Day this year is scheduled for Saturday, April 18. [ More… ]
UC Davis transportation expert to appear on The Daily Show
Jon Stewart of Comedy Central's The Daily Show is scheduled to interview UC Davis transportation expert Dan Sperling next Wednesday, Feb. 11, about Sperling's new book, Two Billion Cars. The interview will likely air the same day; check your cable and satellite listings for details. Sperling's work is also featured on the UC Davis home page this week. [ More… ]
2009 ADMAN Mid-Management Conference
This year's Administrative Management (ADMAN) Group Mid-Management Conference, titled "Doing What You Really Love for a Living," will be held March 18 at the Activities and Recreation Center on the Davis campus. Registration is open now and is $90 for those who register by Feb. 20, and $115 for those who register Feb. 21-27. [ More… ]
Call for applications for membership on 2009-10 UC Davis administrative advisory committees
Chancellor Vanderhoef encourages campus community members to apply for membership on a UC Davis administrative advisory committee for the 2009-10 year. The committees address topics such as arts, athletics, child care, student services, and research, and provide an opportunity for all constituencies — Academic Senate and Academic Federation members, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students — to participate in governance of the campus. The application deadline is March 9. [ More… ]
What's in the COSMOS? Find out this summer
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 6 to 7 p.m, 1147 Mathematics and Sciences Building
COSMOS, the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science, is holding an open house to reach out to UC Davis faculty and staff with high school-aged children who may be interested in participating in the COSMOS program this summer. [ More… ]
Brown bag chat with the chancellor
Thursday, Feb. 12, noon to 1 p.m., MU II, Memorial Union
Join Chancellor Larry Vanderhoef and other campus leaders for an update on what's going on at UC Davis. Bring your lunch, and your questions and comments. [ More… ]